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Saturday, April 13, 2013

SSIS Excel Source via Script

This is a quick and dirty post on how I deal with ugly Excel as a source in response to this StackOverflow question. Originally, I built this script to address some data I needed to import that was stored in Excel. It wasn't typical Excel data of rows and columns. No, it was a repeating report that was exported to Excel. There was no way in hell I was going to be able to make the Excel driver work with that data to get it imported. I recently had cause to bring this code out to parse a file that will be consistent with the layout but the column headers will change between sheets. It's a forecasting spreadsheet so tab 1 is people, table 2 is dollars, tab 3 is hours, etc.

Script Task

You will need to define your output columns and their data types and then go in and add 2 classes to the existing project which are described below.


This is used in the Script Task's Main section. There is probably a more graceful way of doing this but it works. In my PreExecute, I instantiate a DataSet by calling the static method ReadExcelQuery. This fills a "raw" dataset, which is literally the data exactly out of Excel. I then pass the raw dataset into the ParseSample method and get a different dataset out. In this example, there were two sheets in the Excel Workbook that I needed to get the data out of. After the PreExecute has completed, my member variable parsedData is populated with a few data tables. There is a raw, which I find useful for seeing the data exactly as it was extracted from Excel. This was useful when I was running into dates which were really just integers (see the ConvertXlsdtToDateTime method). There will be a parsed data table which is populated from your specific Parse method. Finally, there is an Error data table which lists the row & column that didn't parse as expected.

Given the fun that is debugging in SSIS Script tasks, I strongly encourage you to create a .NET Console project. Inside that project's main, you can basically paste the PreExecute method's code in there and then work on getting your Parse logic squared away. Once that's done, then add them into the actual SSIS Script Task. At that point, you're simply wiring up the resultant dataset into the OuputBuffer.

   1:      using System;
   2:      using System.Data;
   3:      using System.Collections.Generic;
   4:      using Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.Wrapper;
   5:      using Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Wrapper;
   7:      /// <summary>
   8:      /// This is the class to which to add your code.  Do not change the name, attributes, or parent
   9:      /// of this class.
  10:      /// </summary>
  11:      [Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.SSISScriptComponentEntryPointAttribute]
  12:      public class ScriptMain : UserComponent
  13:      {
  14:          DataSet parsedData;
  16:          public override void PreExecute()
  17:          {
  18:              base.PreExecute();
  19:              this.parsedData = new DataSet();
  21:              string fileName = this.Variables.CurrentFileName;
  22:              DataSet ds = null;
  23:              string worksheetName = string.Empty;
  24:              bool hasHeader = false;
  25:              DataSet excel = null;
  27:              List<string> worksheets = new List<string>() { "Sheet1$", "Sheet2$"};
  28:              foreach (string worksheet in worksheets)
  29:              {
  30:                  excel = ExcelReader.ReadExcelQuery(fileName, worksheet, hasHeader);
  31:                  if (ds == null)
  32:                  {
  33:                      ds = ExcelParser.ParseSample(FileFormatter.Sample, excel, worksheet);
  34:                  }
  35:                  else
  36:                  {
  37:                      ds.Merge(ExcelParser.ParseSample(FileFormatter.Sample, excel, worksheet));
  38:                  }
  39:              }
  41:              this.parsedData = ds.Copy();
  42:          }
  44:          /// <summary>
  45:          /// Slog through parsedData and emit
  46:          /// </summary>
  47:          public override void CreateNewOutputRows()
  48:          {
  49:              bool pbCancel = false;
  50:              foreach (DataRow item in this.parsedData.Tables["Sample_TYPE"].Rows)
  51:              {
  52:                  try
  53:                  {
  54:                      SampleBuffer.AddRow();
  55:                      SampleBuffer.Company = item["Company"].ToString();
  56:                      SampleBuffer.Entity = item["Entity"].ToString();
  57:                      SampleBuffer.Function = item["Function"].ToString();
  59:                  }
  60:                  catch (Exception)
  61:                  {
  63:                      throw;
  64:                  }
  66:              }
  68:              foreach (DataRow item in this.parsedData.Tables["ERROR"].Rows)
  69:              {
  70:                  ErrorOutputBuffer.AddRow();
  71:                  ErrorOutputBuffer.entity = item["entity"].ToString();
  72:                  ErrorOutputBuffer.severity = item["severity"].ToString();
  73:                  ErrorOutputBuffer.messagecode = item["msg_cd"].ToString();
  74:                  ErrorOutputBuffer.messagetext = item["msg_tx"].ToString();
  75:                  ErrorOutputBuffer.value = item["value"].ToString();
  76:                  ComponentMetaData.FireError(0, "Sample parser", item["value"].ToString(), string.Empty, 0, out pbCancel);
  77:              }
  79:          }
  81:      }

ExcelParser class

Here is where the guts of your coding belongs. You will work through that raw dataset in a row by row fashion. It's not the greatest but it works. You will also need to define what your intended output looks like in the "MockDataTable" method.

   1:      using System;
   2:      using System.Collections.Generic;
   3:      using System.Data;
   4:      using System.Data.OleDb;
   5:      using System.Data.SqlClient;
   6:      using System.Diagnostics;
   7:      using System.Linq;
   8:      using System.Text;
   9:      using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
  11:      /// <summary>
  12:      /// This class is concerned with parsing data from raw datasets
  13:      /// </summary>
  14:      public class ExcelParser
  15:      {
  16:          /// <summary>
  17:          /// Value translates to Class.MethodName, used for logging
  18:          /// </summary>
  19:          private static string logFileName = System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType.ToString();
  21:          /// <summary>
  22:          /// Prevents a default instance of ExcelParser class from being created.
  23:          /// </summary>
  24:          private ExcelParser()
  25:          {
  26:          }
  28:          /// <summary>
  29:          /// Parse some Excel file
  30:          /// </summary>
  31:          /// <param name="fileFormat"></param>
  32:          /// <param name="rawData"></param>
  33:          /// <returns></returns>
  34:          public static DataSet ParseSample(FileFormatter fileFormat, DataSet rawData, string workSheetName)
  35:          {
  36:              System.Data.DataSet ds = null;
  37:              System.Data.DataTable dt = null;
  38:              System.Data.DataTable errors = null;
  39:              System.Data.DataRow newRow = null;
  41:              // monotomically increasing number
  42:              int rowNumber = 0;
  44:              // Key to understand when a new group has been found
  45:              string currentEntity = string.Empty;
  46:              string current = string.Empty;
  47:              decimal someValue = 0;
  49:              // Error reporting
  50:              string errorSeverity = string.Empty;
  51:              string errorCode = string.Empty;
  52:              string errorMessage = string.Empty;
  53:              string errorValue = string.Empty;
  55:              errorSeverity = "fatal";
  56:              errorCode = "invalid data type";
  57:              errorMessage = "The supplied value does not match expected type";
  58:              errors = ExcelParser.MockErrorTable();
  60:              ds = new DataSet();
  61:              dt = ExcelParser.MockDataTable(fileFormat);
  62:              int outRowOrdinal = 15;
  63:              int outYearOrdinal = 16;
  64:              int outTabNameOrdinal = 17;
  65:              bool keepRow = true;
  66:              int processingYear = 0;
  68:              // Parsing logic goes here
  69:              try
  70:              {
  71:                  foreach (DataRow dr in rawData.Tables[0].Rows)
  72:                  {
  73:                      // Skip first 3 rows
  74:                      newRow = dt.NewRow();
  75:                      if (rowNumber < 2)
  76:                      {
  77:                          rowNumber++;
  78:                          continue;
  79:                      }
  81:                      // On the third row, we need to peel out the year
  82:                      if (rowNumber == 2)
  83:                      {
  84:                          // Jan 13 Forecast
  85:                          current = dr[3].ToString().Split()[1];
  86:                          processingYear = Int32.Parse(current) + 2000;
  87:                          rowNumber++;
  88:                          continue;
  89:                      }
  91:                      // Keep track of the forecast amount as we only store rows which
  92:                      // are not zeroed out. 
  93:                      keepRow = false;
  95:                      for (int i = 0; i < 15; i++)
  96:                      {
  97:                          current = dr[i].ToString();
  98:                          switch (i)
  99:                          {
 101:                              case 0:
 102:                                  // Company
 103:                                  newRow[i] = current;
 104:                                  break;
 105:                              case 1:
 106:                                  // Department
 107:                                  if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(current))
 108:                                  {
 109:                                      currentEntity = current.Trim();
 110:                                  }
 111:                                  newRow[i] = currentEntity;
 112:                                  break;
 113:                              case 2:
 114:                                  // Division
 116:                                  newRow[i] = current.Trim();
 117:                                  break;
 118:                              default:
 119:                                  if (!Decimal.TryParse(current, out someValue))
 120:                                  {
 121:                                      errorValue = string.Format(
 122:                                          "Unable to convert {0} to an decimal. '{3}' ({1}{2})",
 123:                                          current,
 124:                                          ExcelParser.GetExcelColumnName(i),
 125:                                          rowNumber,
 126:                                          workSheetName);
 127:                                      errors.Rows.Add(new object[] { fileFormat.ToString(), errorSeverity, errorCode, errorMessage, errorValue });
 128:                                  }
 129:                                  else
 130:                                  {
 131:                                      newRow[i] = someValue;
 132:                                      if (someValue != 0)
 133:                                      {
 134:                                          keepRow = true;
 135:                                      }
 136:                                  }
 138:                                  break;
 139:                          }
 140:                      }
 142:                      newRow[outRowOrdinal] = rowNumber++;
 143:                      newRow[outTabNameOrdinal] = workSheetName.TrimEnd(new[] { '$' });
 144:                      newRow[outYearOrdinal] = processingYear;
 145:                      if (keepRow)
 146:                      {
 147:                          dt.Rows.Add(newRow);                        
 148:                      }
 149:                  }
 150:              }
 151:              catch (Exception ex)
 152:              {
 153:                  errorValue = string.Format(
 154:                              "{0} {4} '{3}' {1}{2}",
 155:                              logFileName,
 156:                              ExcelParser.GetExcelColumnName(0),
 157:                              rowNumber,
 158:                              workSheetName,
 159:                              ex.Message);
 160:                  //LogUtil.Error(logFileName, errorValue, ex);
 161:                  errors.Rows.Add(new object[] { fileFormat.ToString(), errorSeverity, "UnableToParse", "Unable to process file.  Contact development", errorValue });
 162:              }
 164:              ds.Tables.Add(dt);
 165:              ds.Tables.Add(errors);
 167:              //LogUtil.Debug(System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType.ToString(), string.Format("{0} Leaving method", ExcelParser.logFileName));
 169:              return ds;
 170:          }
 172:          /// <summary>
 173:          /// Method to generate the format for an error table
 174:          /// </summary>
 175:          /// <returns>A template for error messages</returns>
 176:          public static DataTable MockErrorTable()
 177:          {
 178:              DataTable dt = null;
 179:              dt = new DataTable("ERROR");
 180:              dt.Columns.Add("entity", System.Type.GetType("System.String"));
 181:              dt.Columns.Add("severity", System.Type.GetType("System.String"));
 182:              dt.Columns.Add("msg_cd", System.Type.GetType("System.String"));
 183:              dt.Columns.Add("msg_tx", System.Type.GetType("System.String"));
 184:              dt.Columns.Add("value", System.Type.GetType("System.String"));
 185:              return dt;
 186:          }
 188:          /// <summary>
 189:          /// Translate a number into its equivalent Excel column name.  e.g. 0 -> A; 2 -> C
 190:          /// </summary>
 191:          /// <remarks>http://stackoverflow.com/questions/181596/how-to-convert-a-column-number-eg-127-into-an-excel-column-eg-aa</remarks>
 192:          /// <param name="columnNumber">A zero based number that maps to an excel column ordinal</param>
 193:          /// <returns>A string of letters that are Excel column names</returns>
 194:          public static string GetExcelColumnName(int columnNumber)
 195:          {
 196:              int dividend = columnNumber + 1;
 197:              string columnName = String.Empty;
 198:              int modulo;
 200:              while (dividend > 0)
 201:              {
 202:                  modulo = (dividend - 1) % 26;
 203:                  columnName = Convert.ToChar(65 + modulo).ToString() + columnName;
 204:                  dividend = (int)((dividend - modulo) / 26);
 205:              }
 207:              return columnName;
 208:          }
 210:          /// <summary>
 211:          /// Seriously?  For the loss
 212:          /// <see cref="http://www.debugging.com/bug/19252"></see>
 213:          /// </summary>
 214:          /// <param name="excelDate">Number of days since 1900-01-01</param>
 215:          /// <returns>The converted days to date</returns>
 216:          public static DateTime ConvertXlsdtToDateTime(int excelDate)
 217:          {
 218:              DateTime dt = new DateTime(1899, 12, 31);
 220:              // adjust for 29 Feb 1900 which Excel considers a valid date
 221:              if (excelDate >= 60)
 222:              {
 223:                  excelDate--;
 224:              }
 226:              return dt.AddDays(excelDate);
 227:          }
 229:          /// <summary>
 230:          /// In an attempt to simplify the actual parsing code, I have moved the
 231:          /// table creation and column definition into this method.
 232:          /// </summary>
 233:          /// <param name="fileFormat">The appropriate fileformat to use</param>
 234:          /// <returns>A well formed datatable for the given input type</returns>
 235:          private static DataTable MockDataTable(FileFormatter fileFormat)
 236:          {
 237:              DataTable dt = null;
 239:              switch (fileFormat)
 240:              {
 241:                  case FileFormatter.Sample:
 242:                      dt = new System.Data.DataTable("Sample_TYPE", "tableNamespace");
 243:                      dt.Columns.Add("Company", System.Type.GetType("System.String"));
 244:                      dt.Columns.Add("Entity", System.Type.GetType("System.String"));
 245:                      dt.Columns.Add("Function", System.Type.GetType("System.String"));
 246:                      break;
 247:                  default:
 248:                      dt = new System.Data.DataTable("Unknown", "tableNamespace");
 249:                      dt.Columns.Add("row_id", System.Type.GetType("System.Int32"));
 250:                      dt.Columns.Add("name", System.Type.GetType("System.String"));
 251:                      dt.Columns.Add("value", System.Type.GetType("System.Decimal"));
 252:                      break;
 253:              }
 255:              return dt;
 256:          }
 257:      }    
 259:      /// <summary>
 260:      /// The specific file formatters.  
 261:      /// </summary>
 262:      public enum FileFormatter
 263:      {
 264:          /// <summary>
 265:          /// Budgeting file
 266:          /// </summary>
 267:          Sample,
 268:      }

ExcelReader class

This class is responsible for querying columns out of an Excel as a dataset. A worksheet has a $ at the end of its name which isn't visible in Excel. This also works with named ranges which won't have a trailing $.

   1:      using System;
   2:      using System.Collections.Generic;
   3:      using System.Data;
   4:      using System.Data.OleDb;
   5:      using System.Data.SqlClient;
   6:      using System.Diagnostics;
   7:      using System.Linq;
   8:      using System.Text;
   9:      using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
  11:      /// <summary>
  12:      /// This class is concerned with extracting data from non-tabular Excel 
  13:      /// documents.
  14:      /// </summary>
  15:      public class ExcelReader
  16:      {
  17:          /// <summary>
  18:          /// Value translates to Class.MethodName, used for logging
  19:          /// </summary>
  20:          private static string logFileName = System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType.ToString();
  22:          /// <summary>
  23:          /// Template for an OLEDB provider to read Excel data
  24:          /// </summary>
  25:          private static string providerTemplate = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=\"{0}\";Extended Properties=\"Excel 8.0;HDR={1};IMEX=1\"";
  27:          /// <summary>
  28:          /// Template for an OLEDB provider to read Excel data
  29:          /// </summary>
  30:          private static string providerTemplateXLSX = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=\"{0}\";Extended Properties=\"Excel 12.0 Xml;HDR={1};IMEX=1\"";
  32:          /// <summary>
  33:          /// The row id column will always be the last element in the unparsed data
  34:          /// </summary>
  35:          private static string rowIdColumnName = "row_id";
  37:          /// <summary>
  38:          /// Prevents a default instance of the ExcelReader class from being created.
  39:          /// Static methods so constructor is hidden
  40:          /// </summary>
  41:          private ExcelReader()
  42:          {
  43:          }
  45:          /// <summary>
  46:          /// Gets the row id column name
  47:          /// </summary>
  48:          public static string RowIdColumnName
  49:          {
  50:              get { return ExcelReader.rowIdColumnName; }
  51:          }
  53:          /// <summary>
  54:          /// Utility method for pulling base excel data into a dataset
  55:          /// </summary>
  56:          /// <param name="filePath">Base folder for a file</param>
  57:          /// <param name="fileName">actual file name</param>
  58:          /// <param name="worksheetName">The name of the Excel worksheet</param>
  59:          /// <param name="hasHeader">Boolean indicating whether there is a header row</param>
  60:          /// <returns>A dataset representation of a spreadsheet</returns>
  61:          public static DataSet ReadExcelQuery(string filePath, string fileName, string worksheetName, bool hasHeader)
  62:          {
  63:              return ExcelReader.ReadExcelQuery(System.IO.Path.Combine(filePath, fileName), worksheetName, hasHeader);
  64:          }
  66:          /// <summary>
  67:          /// Utility method for pulling base excel data into a dataset
  68:          /// </summary>
  69:          /// <param name="fileName">The filename to work against</param>
  70:          /// <param name="worksheetName">The name of the Excel worksheet</param>
  71:          /// <param name="hasHeader">Boolean indicating whether there is a header row</param>
  72:          /// <returns>Dataset with raw dataset</returns>
  73:          public static DataSet ReadExcelQuery(string fileName, string worksheetName, bool hasHeader)
  74:          {
  75:              DataSet dataSet = new DataSet();
  76:              string datatableName = string.Empty;
  77:              string excelConnectionString = string.Empty;
  78:              string query = string.Empty;
  79:              datatableName = "RawData";
  80:              query = string.Format("SELECT * FROM [{0}]", worksheetName);
  82:              excelConnectionString = string.Format(ExcelReader.providerTemplate, fileName, hasHeader ? "YES" : "NO");
  84:              //Console.WriteLine(string.Format("{0} Processing file {1}  Query {2}", logFileName, fileName, query));
  85:              //Console.WriteLine(string.Format("{0} excelConnectionString {1}", logFileName, fileName));
  86:              //Console.WriteLine(string.Format("{0} excelConnectionString {1}", logFileName, excelConnectionString));
  88:              // Ensure file exists
  89:              if (!System.IO.File.Exists(fileName))
  90:              {
  91:                  //Console.WriteLine(string.Format("FileNotFound!  Expected fileName: {0}", logFileName, fileName),
  92:                  //    new System.IO.FileNotFoundException("FileNotFount exception", fileName));
  93:                  return dataSet;
  94:              }
  96:              try
  97:              {
  98:                  OleDbDataAdapter oleDbDataAdapter = new OleDbDataAdapter(
  99:                      query, excelConnectionString);
 101:                  dataSet.Tables.Add(datatableName);
 102:                  oleDbDataAdapter.Fill(dataSet.Tables[datatableName]);
 104:                  // add a column in for record id
 105:                  DataColumn rowIdColumn = new DataColumn(ExcelReader.rowIdColumnName, System.Type.GetType("System.Int32"));
 107:                  dataSet.Tables[datatableName].Columns.Add(rowIdColumn);
 109:                  // populate record id
 110:                  for (int i = 0; i < dataSet.Tables[datatableName].Rows.Count; i++)
 111:                  {
 112:                      dataSet.Tables[datatableName].Rows[i][ExcelReader.rowIdColumnName] = i + 1;
 113:                      if (hasHeader)
 114:                      {
 115:                          // TODO:  fix this dreck
 116:                          // This section is all wrong and untested code
 117:                          if (i == 0)
 118:                          {
 119:                              i++;
 120:                          }
 122:                          dataSet.Tables[datatableName].Rows[i][ExcelReader.rowIdColumnName] = i + 1;
 123:                      }
 124:                  }
 126:                  //LogUtil.Info(logFileName, string.Format("Dataset created for file: {0}", fileName));
 127:                  return dataSet;
 128:              }
 129:              catch (System.IO.IOException ex)
 130:              {
 131:                  // Most likely the file is locked by another process
 132:                  //LogUtil.Error(logFileName, string.Format("Exclusive lock on file: {0} Error:  {1}", fileName, ex.ToString()));
 133:                  return new DataSet();
 134:              }
 135:              catch (System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException ex)
 136:              {
 137:                  // The tab name does not exist in the spreadsheet.  
 138:                  // Odds are decent they forgot to append a $ to the tab name
 139:                  //Console.Error.WriteLine(string.Format("Unable to find tab {2} in file {0} Error:  {1}", fileName, ex.ToString(), worksheetName));
 141:                  if (!worksheetName.EndsWith("$"))
 142:                  {
 143:                      //LogUtil.Error(logFileName, string.Format("Retrying as tab {1}$ in file {0}", fileName, worksheetName));
 144:                      return ExcelReader.ReadExcelQuery(fileName, worksheetName + "$", hasHeader);
 145:                  }
 147:                  return new DataSet();
 148:              }
 149:              catch (Exception ex)
 150:              {
 151:                  //LogUtil.Error(logFileName, string.Format("Reading inital dataset failed: {0} Error:  {1}", fileName, ex.ToString()));
 152:                  return new DataSet();
 153:              }
 154:          }
 155:      }


Christopher Harsch said...

I was reading this and thinking there is another way to go at it. But Kudos to actually implementing something to do this.

Christopher Harsch said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Christopher Harsch said...

Ok, after attempting to create an idatareader friendly class as an example (IE to create a generic interface to read excel/flatfile/delimited data) I ran into a lot of fun and exciting issues in parsing.

Oddly, I finished it and came back to this post and saw many of the hacks/compromises exist in your code as well (especially the fact that excel always reads line 1 as a header).

And there is no 64 bit excel reader that you could expect to be widely available also makes it ugly as well. Will post my implementation at some point, it is in one of those ugly states where I feel like I could do better, but just don't care a whole lot.

I would say just use the OleDB Reader directly, but I find you can't do that because of how the OleDB reader uses headers, so anything more complex than a simple select from a tab, or a range in a tab, becomes an unfortunate headache.