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Thursday, April 30, 2015

BIDS Helper 1.7.0 subtle improvement

BIDS Helper

On March 17th, a new version of BIDS Helper was released and one of the compelling features in it was the ability to emit 2014 packages natively via Biml. Tucked away in there though, is a usability feature that rocks. The validation reporter no longer pops up in the terrible window it had.

If I Check Biml for Errors, I get the usual pop up window although it's cleaner looking than the 1.6 and earlier versions but the real awesome sauce is in the Output window (View, Output Ctrl+Alt+O)

Biml Validation Items

How awesome is this? These errors, I can use a search engine on them! The picture, not so much. Here's some sample output.

  • Validating BIML
  • 1/1 Emitting Project ErrorCodeTest.dtproj.
  • 1/1 Emitting Package ErrorCodeTest.
  • C:\sandbox\POC_2013\POC_2013\BimlScript.biml(13,26) : Error 0 : Component OLE_SRC dbo_ErrorCodes of type AstOleDbSourceNode in Dataflow DFT Test has duplicate column reference with name 'ErrorCode' on ouput 'Error'. This may be due to the 'ErrorCode' and 'ErrorColumn' columns that are automatically added to error output paths by SSIS. Ensure that all column names are unique.
  • C:\sandbox\POC_2013\POC_2013\BimlScript.biml(13,26) : Error 0 : Component OLE_SRC dbo_ErrorCodes of type AstOleDbSourceNode in Dataflow DFT Test has duplicate column reference with name 'ErrorColumn' on ouput 'Error'. This may be due to the 'ErrorCode' and 'ErrorColumn' columns that are automatically added to error output paths by SSIS. Ensure that all column names are unique.
  • EmitSsis. There were errors during compilation. See compiler output for more information.

Thank you and excellent work on this release to Varigence and the devs on the BIDS Helper project.

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