a.k.a. why the heck aren't my Alerts alerting?
I'm learning Power BI by building a sample dashboard for database operational analytics. One of the metrics we want to track was whether any SQL Alerts had fired in the reporting time frame.
Seems reasonable enough so I defined a few alerts on my machine and did some dumb things that should fire off the alerts. And it didn't. At first, I thought I must be looking in the wrong place but I watched profiler and the SSMS gui was calling "EXECUTE msdb.dbo.sp_help_alert" which at its core uses "msdb.dbo.sysalerts". All of that looked right but by golly the last_occurrence_date fields all showed zeros.
I took to twitter asking what else I could do to invoke errors and y'all had some great ideas
- https://twitter.com/crummel4/status/645764451724095489
- https://twitter.com/SirFisch/status/645763600116617216
DECLARE @DBID int , @DBNAME nvarchar(128) , @severity int; SELECT @DBID = DB_ID() , @DBNAME = DB_NAME() , @severity = 15; RAISERROR ( N'The current database ID is:%d, the database name is: %s.' , @severity -- Severity. , 1 -- State. , @DBID -- First substitution argument. , @DBNAME );I run it, verify SSMS shows The current database ID is:23, the database name is: tempdb. Msg 50000, Level 15, State 1, Line 29 and as expected sp_help_alert shows ... 0 for occurrence for date and time? What the heck? I raised an error of the appropriate severity and had SQL Alerts defined for that severity - it's peanut butter and chocolate, they go together but this was more like mayonnaise and peanut butter.
A quick trip around the interblag raised some interesting possibilities. Maybe I needed to restart SQL Agent. Maybe I was tracking the wrong thing and some other links I had since closed but none of these bore fruit.
I scaled up my RAISERROR call to enumerate all the severity levels just to get something to work and it wasn't until I hit 19 that I found my mistake. Error severity levels greater than 18 can only be specified by members of the sysadmin role, using the WITH LOG option.Once I tacked on the "WITH LOG" option, my alerts began firing.
DECLARE @DBID int , @DBNAME nvarchar(128) , @severity int; SELECT @DBID = DB_ID() , @DBNAME = DB_NAME(); DECLARE Csr CURSOR FOR -- Sev 20 and above breaks the current connection SELECT TOP 20 CAST(ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY (SELECT NULL)) AS int) AS Severity FROM sys.objects AS O; OPEN Csr; FETCH NEXT FROM Csr INTO @severity; WHILE(@@FETCH_STATUS = 0) BEGIN RAISERROR ( N'The current database ID is:%d, the database name is: %s.' , @severity -- Severity. , 1 -- State. , @DBID -- First substitution argument. , @DBNAME ) WITH LOG; FETCH NEXT FROM Csr INTO @severity; END CLOSE Csr; DEALLOCATE Csr;
Glenn Berry and Brent Ozar Unlimited both have great posts with some Alerts should have turned on for all of your servers.- The Accidental DBA (Day 17 of 30): Configuring Alerts for High Severity Problems
- Configure SQL Server Alerts
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