
Thursday, September 14, 2023

Databricks sparksql escaping quote/tick

If I had to embed a single quote in a query in TSQL, I would double it. In SparkSQL, I escape it like a classic C style string. So, the following shows how one would generate a query that is a query to find the row counts across all tables in SQL or unity catalog. Although for SQL, you're better off just querying the partitions meta table as it's waaaaay faster.


SELECT CONCAT('SELECT COUNT(1) AS rc, ''', T.table_name, ''' AS table_name FROM dev.silver.', T.table_name, '') AS rcQ FROM dev.information_schema.tables AS T WHERE T.table_schema = 'silver'

Databricks unity catalog

SELECT CONCAT('SELECT COUNT(1) AS rc, \'', T.table_name, '\' AS table_name FROM dev.silver.', T.table_name, '') AS rcQ FROM dev.information_schema.tables AS T WHERE T.table_schema = 'silver'

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