A blog about SQL Server, SSIS, C# and whatever else I happen to be dealing with in my professional life.

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Friday, March 16, 2012

Recover CLR assemblies from SQL Server

This is an amazingly short post covering how to get save a CLR assembly out of SQL Server via PowerShell. Original code was on a stackoverflow question I don't have reference to at the moment. Run as is, this code will extract all the user assemblies in a given database catalog and save them out to the C:\ssisdata folder. If you know the particular assembly you want, you can uncomment lines 17 (tsql), 32 (PowerShell) and update line 50 to point to the correct assembly name. Run the query template if you don't know all the assembly names in a given database. And obviously, fix line 48 to point to the correct database.
   1:  #[Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("Microsoft.SQLServer.ManagedDTS") | out-null
   3:  $assemblyListQuery = "SELECT A.name FROM sys.assemblies A WHERE A.is_user_defined = 1 ORDER BY 1 ASC "
   5:  $queryTemplate = "
   6:  SELECT 
   7:      AF.content
   8:  ,    A.name    
   9:  FROM 
  10:      sys.assembly_files AF 
  11:      INNER JOIN 
  12:          sys.assemblies A 
  13:          ON AF.assembly_id = A.assembly_id 
  14:  WHERE 
  15:      AF.file_id = 1
  16:      AND A.is_user_defined = 1
  17:      --AND A.name = @assemblyName
  18:  "
  20:  Function Save-Assemblies()
  21:  {
  22:      param
  23:      (
  24:           [string]$connectionString
  25:      ,   [string]$query
  26:      )
  27:          $connection = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection($connectionString)
  28:          $command = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand($query)
  30:          $connection.Open()
  31:          $command.Connection = $connection
  32:          #$hush = $command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@assemblyName", $assemblyName)
  33:          $reader = $command.ExecuteReader()
  35:          while ($reader.Read())
  36:          {
  37:              #$bytes = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlBytes()
  38:              $bytes = $reader.GetSqlBytes(0)
  39:              $name = $reader.GetString(1)
  40:              $bytestream = New-Object System.IO.FileStream("C:\ssisdata\$name.dll", [System.IO.FileMode]::Create)
  41:              $bytestream.Write($bytes.Value, 0, $bytes.Length)
  42:              $bytestream.Close()
  43:          }
  45:  }
  48:  $bnode = "Data Source=localhost;Initial Catalog=FOO;Integrated Security=SSPI;"
  50:  $assemblyName = "NiftyAssembly"
  52:  Save-Assemblies $bnode $queryTemplate

Now that you have the assembly, use a tool like Reflector or ILSpy to recover as much of the source code as you can. Happy decompiling.

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