Broken View Finder
Shh, shhhhhh, we're being very very quiet, we're hunting broken views. Recently, we were asked to migrate some code changes and after doing so, the requesting team told us we had broken all of their views, but they couldn't tell us what was broken, just that everything was. After a quick rollback to snapshot, thank you Red Gate SQL Compare, I thought it'd be enlightening to see whether anything was broken before our code had been deployed.
You'll never guess what we discovered </clickbain&grt;
How can you tell a view is broken
The easiest way is SELECT TOP 1 * FROM dbo.MyView;
but then you need to figure out all of your views.
That's easy enough, SELECT * FROM sys.schemas AS S INNER JOIN sys.views AS V ON V.schema_id = S.schema_id;
But you know, there's something built into SQL Server that will actually test your views - sys.sp_refreshview. That's much cleaner than running sys.sp_executesql with our SELECT TOP 1s
-- This script identifies broken views -- and at least the first error with it SET NOCOUNT ON; DECLARE CSR CURSOR FAST_FORWARD FOR SELECT CONCAT(QUOTENAME(, '.', QUOTENAME( AS vname FROM sys.views AS V INNER JOIN sys.schemas AS S ON S.schema_id = V.schema_id; DECLARE @viewname nvarchar(776); DECLARE @BROKENVIEWS table ( viewname nvarchar(776) , ErrorMessage nvarchar(4000) , ErrorLine int ); OPEN CSR; FETCH NEXT FROM CSR INTO @viewname; WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN BEGIN TRY EXECUTE sys.sp_refreshview @viewname; END TRY BEGIN CATCH INSERT INTO @BROKENVIEWS(viewname, ErrorMessage, ErrorLine) VALUES ( @viewname , ERROR_MESSAGE() , ERROR_LINE() ); END CATCH FETCH NEXT FROM CSR INTO @viewname; END CLOSE CSR; DEALLOCATE CSR; SELECT B.* FROM @BROKENVIEWS AS B
Can you think of ways to improve this? Either way, happy hunting!
1 comment:
If Views are dependent of other Views, dependend views could be missing from the list, if the view is refreshed before its dependencies.
So a proprosal for improving the script could be handling of dependencies.
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