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Friday, February 23, 2018

Pop Quiz - REPLACE in SQL Server

It's amazing the things I've run into with SQL Server this week that I never noticed. In today's pop quiz, let's look at REPLACE

    @Repro table
    SourceColumn varchar(30)

    ,   ('ABC')
    ,   ('BCD')
    ,   ('DEF')

,   REPLACE(R.SourceColumn, 'None', NULL) AS wat
    @Repro AS R;

In the preceding example, I load 4 rows into a table and call the REPLACE function on it. Why? Because some numbskull front end developer entered None instead of a NULL for a non-existent value. No problem, I will simply replace all None with NULL. So, what's the value of the wat column?

Well, if you're one of those people who reads instruction manuals before attempting anything, you'd have seen Returns NULL if any one of the arguments is NULL. Otherwise, you're like me thinking "maybe I put the arguments in the wrong order". Nope, , REPLACE(R.SourceColumn, 'None', '') AS EmptyString that works. So what the heck? Guess I'll actually read the manual... No, this work, I can just use NULLIF to make the empty strings into a NULL , NULLIF(REPLACE(R.SourceColumn, 'None', ''), '') AS EmptyStringToNull

Much better, replace all my instances of None with an empty string and then convert anything that is empty string to null. Wait, what? You know what would be better? Skipping the replace call altogether.

,   NULLIF(R.SourceColumn, 'None') AS MuchBetter
    @Repro AS R;

Moral of the story and/or quiz: once you have a working solution, rubber duck out your approach to see if there's an opportunity for improvement (only after having committed the working version to source control).

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